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15 posts

Add a specific page or post content in another post or page

Following this discussion in the Customizr theme support forum, here’s a simple piece of code that will allow you to add any post or page before your post or page content in the Customizr WordPress theme. The following snippet will add the content on your front page and before the featured […]


Adding a Facebook Like Box in place of a featured page in the Customizr theme

Let’s say you need to feature your Facebook fans on your home page, and display it like one of your featured pages.   I am assuming that you have generated your Facebook code for the lite box here :   Now, here’s a quick snippet to replace one of your […]

Make the Footer ‘Sticky‘

Notice:: Since Customizr 3.4.6 and Customizr-Pro 1.2.0 a new option has been added to make the footer sticky. Navigate through Appearance -> Customize -> Footer and you’ll find it 😉 3.1.* 3.2.* Cutomizr-Pro* June 2015 update: CSS moved from child-theme style.css (or custom-css box) to inline style through tc_user_options_style filter, […]

Adding an update status next to post titles in WordPress

This simple snippet adds an update status after your post title in WordPress. It checks if the post has been updated since its creation and if this update is less than n days old. If the condition is verified, it adds an update status text after the title. In this example, […]