Hueman theme v3.1.0 release note

Improved overall speed performances

  • fixed : the child theme stylesheet loaded before the main one. Back to normal now.
  • Performance improvements compare to v3.0*
    • with the use of minified external script and stylesheet
    • by loading only the necessary resources
    • by grouping the stylesheets into one instead of 3 previously


Child theme users

v3.1.0 is safe for child themes : this release has no impact on the templates paths and the functions inside the template.

Note : the child theme stylesheet is now loaded again after the parent one, allowing you to override easily the main css rules.

The previsous version (v3.0.12) released a few hours ago had introduced a new way to load the main stylesheet of the theme. This has create an issue that could disable some custom rules that you’ve added to your child theme style.css.

This is now fixed in v3.1.0. You can add your custom css rules in this file and they will override the default ones.


Why not using the style.css file of Hueman for the css ?

The main reason for that is performance. Reducing the size and the number of external files (like css, javascript and images) helps improving the overall loading performances of a website.


Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.



This main style.css file provides details about the Theme (in the form of comments above) that is read by WordPress server side, but it can’t be minified.  ( Minification is a technique to compress a css file and therefore improve speed (page load time) of your website.)

In the previous versions, the Hueman theme was loading 3 stylesheets not minified : style.css, responsive.css and font-awesome.css. Those files have now been concatenated into a single minified file : main.min.css, located in assets/front/css


Learn more about WordPress and website performance best practices here :




Changelog dated April 16th 2016

= 3.1.0 April 16th 2016 =

  • fixed : child theme stylesheet : style.css is loaded again as a dependency of the parent Hueman theme style, to make it easier to override the main stylesheet rules
  • fixed : wrong path to the default font Titillium in main stylesheet
  • fixed : php notice undefined var _faq_url in /wp-content/themes/hueman/functions/class-admin-page.php


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