👌🎚️WordPress 5.6 is here : Hueman free and pro are ready for it and preparing WordPress 5.7+

Dear Hueman theme users,

Hueman free (v3.6.10+) and Hueman Pro (v1.3.10+) implement javascript compatibility patches for the version 5.6 of WordPress released December 8th, 2020.

The themes also improves accessibility for links within content.


Hueman free and pro are 100% compatible with WordPress 5.6 and with the latest version  of Nimble Page Builder.


Recently introduced in the Hueman theme

New performance options

performance options in Hueman

New option to display your posts in full-content when using the classic grid layout

Hueman classic grid

Better control of the post metas ( categories and post dates ) in post lists.

post metas visibility in grids

Better control of the display of the featured image on singular posts and pages.

Better control of featured images

New options for sidebars allowing users to customize the topbox default texts “Follow” and “More”.

In Hueman Pro, you can now set a minimum height on mobile devices for the full width slider.

This can fix text overlapping problems when viewing the site in landscape display on Iphones.


Better support for images and galleries inserted with the new WordPress editor.

Better integration with the Nimble section builder

We have recently released a simple yet powerful section builder named Nimble Builder plugin.

Nimble is a free section builder intended to be the content creation companion of Hueman.

The plugin allows you to drag and drop pre-built sections, or create your own sections in live preview from the WordPress customizer. You can easily create column layouts, and add content like buttons, icons, Google maps and even contact forms in any page.

You can see a live example of Nimble sections in the Hueman theme.

You can easily install it from your WordPress admin, in Plugins > Add New.

We are currently working on a knowledge base to help you getting started with the plugin, but you can take a quick tour of the Nimble Builder plugin in action, in the WordPress live customizer, on the screenshots below.

Creating a page with 3 pre-built sections



The search button is now displayed in tablet devices.



The footer credits now uses parsable tags like {{year}}


Filtering of the blog page posts by category

You can access this new feature in the live customizer > Front page content.

Then scroll down until you find the option named Apply a category filter to your home / blog posts“.

You can select one or several categories to filter your blog page posts.


Nested menus can now be expanded on mobile devices

The option is available in the live customizer > header design > header menus, at the bottom of the option panel.

You can test it in action in the live demo of Hueman.



Credit image : Alexandra Guillot, http://documentsdartistes.org/artistes/guillot/repro3.html