Language: php

111 posts

Add Scrollspy to the Navbar

If you need to add Scrollspy to the Navbar: Where to copy/paste this code? We strongly recommend you create a child theme. Everything you need to know about creating a child theme with Customizr here. /* START OF Add Scrollspy to the Navbar (Needs additional php code in Child Theme […]


Adding a Facebook Like Box in place of a featured page in the Customizr theme

Let’s say you need to feature your Facebook fans on your home page, and display it like one of your featured pages.   I am assuming that you have generated your Facebook code for the lite box here :   Now, here’s a quick snippet to replace one of your […]

Post list thumbnails reordering in small viewports

3.1.* 3.2.* Nov 2014 update: Tested with Wordpress 4.0 and Customizr 3.2.5 . Still works if you choose to display thumbnails on the left/right. Will not do anything if you display them on top/bottom. Basically ’cause the aim of this script, as you can see in the example pictures, is […]

Html entities and shortcodes in Featured Pages

Updated : Now compatible with Featured Pages Unlimited and Customizr-Pro Customizr by default doesn’t allow you to have HTML entities or shortcodes in Featured Pages text. This is a wise choice, because the text is trimmed by default to 200 characters. This means that you might risk to have an unclosed tag, which […]

Make the Footer ‘Sticky‘

Notice:: Since Customizr 3.4.6 and Customizr-Pro 1.2.0 a new option has been added to make the footer sticky. Navigate through Appearance -> Customize -> Footer and you’ll find it 😉 3.1.* 3.2.* Cutomizr-Pro* June 2015 update: CSS moved from child-theme style.css (or custom-css box) to inline style through tc_user_options_style filter, […]

Disabling the Customizr’s breadcrumb on some pages

Hi, You might need to disable the built-in Customizr breadcrumb in some contexts of your website. You can easily unhook the breadcrumb actions by checking the post types, or using the WordPress built-in conditional tags.   Use case : disabling the breadcrumb on the WooCommerce product pages All product pages […]