Note : We have released v3.5.15 sooner than initially scheduled because it fixes a bug ( Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers are already sent by… ) occuring in the live customizer with some server configurations.
Dear Customizr theme users, in this new release we have improved the code under the hood in the WP admin and the live customizer. The main goal is to re-inforce the compatibility with the WordPress plugins ecosystem.
We’ve also added the various parts of the code that will be used in the upcoming v4.0. As announced a few monthes ago, the Customizr theme version 4.0 will allow you to switch between a Classical style ( the current one ) and a Modern style, built with the latest version of the popular Bootstrap css framework.
Classical and Modern styles have the same design components that make the Customizr theme unique : slider, featured pages, grids, expanding featured images on hover, ….. They differ on the look and feel, with a more flat and material design approach for the Modern style.
You can already check how it looks after updating to this new release, by adding the following parameter at the end of any urls of your website : ?czr_modern_style=1. Example :
. Note for child theme users : activating the modern style might break some of your existing customizations since the css code is different.
Your feedbacks ( positive or negative ) are welcome 🙂
We are currently doing the final tests on version 4.0. Our goal is to release it by the end of June 2017.
This new release is safe for child theme users.
= Changelog =
- Fix: single slide sliders must not be draggable fixes #941
- Fix: fix menu center resulting aligned to the left on IE fixes #944
- Fix: fix position of structural hook __before_main_container
- Fix: fix fpc-container alignment when in #content
- Fix: by default the loop model should not register the loop item model if
- Fix: remove old theme favicon control – is handled in js fixes #954
- Fix: remove new lines at the end of czr_ classes fixes #957
- Imp: improve classical grid CSS
- Imp: fp and grid images always js centered
- Add: modern-style – add related posts options for single post
- fix: use of the add_editor_style wp function : needs relative paths fixes #926
- fix: php 5.2.* when trying to access to a static property of a class which is actually a variable. fixes #928
- fix: menu style for users started after 3.4.0 is ‘aside’
- fix: fp in static front page not displaying first attachment as thumb
- improved : add rtl class to the inline font style in the wp editor
- improved : update select2 plugin to version 4.0.3 the same we use in the customizer
- improved : improve customizr post meta boxes. Do not add in post types which are not visibile in front. Fire actions when meta boxes are added so that we can enqueue related resources (js/css) only when needed by checking on did_action(‘relevant_action_hook’)
- added : php, css and js code for modern style option
27 thoughts on “Release note for Customizr v3.5.13+”
my slider is not displayed in the “modern style” version, only in the classical.
Even if I create a new one
All of my sidebar widgets moved to the bottom of the page. I was able to rectify it by making the main wrapper 100%, but then shifted everything to the left. I rectified that by adding padding, but now the mobile version is all wonky. Is there a better way to fix this?
When adding a text widget to the sidebar, containing short code, e.g. [form id=158], it appears as it, instead of showing the component (in this case a form) that it should. When using this code in the page html it shows up fine, just not when used in the text widget. I also tried using
[form id=158]
but it just changed the look of the text. What am I doing wrong>Hi,
trying this
I got this error code
that has to make with this at my child theme functions.php:
remove action is the line 68
The code structure has been modified for the modern style, that’s why you are getting this error. We will publish a specific post about it in the coming days.
Thanks Nicolas!
Awesome work!
Do you support Arabic in the pro version?
Yes the theme is ready for RTL ( right to left ) readers.
The translation in Arabic is not completed yet. If you are interested to contribute, I’m offering the Customizr Pro theme in exchange.
Contact me with this form if it sounds interesting for you !
Best regards,
Will it also improve the site backend with the ability to quickly change colors and layout?
The main color customization will be made simpler with the modern style, using a live color picker.
The layout options will be preserved as they are now for classical and modern styles.
Am I mistaken or are the translation files different? For example, I can’t find the string “This entry was posted on” … and other entries… I had translated everything, but the translation file seems to have changed.
when applying czr_modern_style=1 to this site I see 2 logos.
Font types are gone.
Updating to this version gave me this message:
Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /public/sites/mysite/wp-content/themes/customizr/inc/czr-front.php on line 9820
I do have a child theme, but do not recall making changes to the logo .
I found out what the issue from that error message was. Some code by the child theme.
Still having 2 logos when previewing new style.
Bonjour Nicolas,
Depuis la dernière Maj, Mon image qui était affiché sur le widget de la colonne gauche bug. D’abord elle s’est déplacé sur le pied de page 3 et maintenant, à chaque fois que je veux remettre l’image, ça met ” un problème est survenu”. Je ne peux pas non plus insérer l’image dans le texte en passant par le format html ( que tu as modifié et amélioré, merci d’ailleurs)
Merci pour tout ce que tu fais avec thème, il est très bien.
Hello Nicolas.
On mobile phonesThe header in the front page has a problem.
It does not show the header title at once. you have to scroll right to be able to see the menu box.
That problem does not exist on the other pages.
Please compare the two links to see the difference
see on mobile phones
Thanks for your help.
Its a great theme. Just I would like to solve this impasse. Never happend before
Hello Nicholas, since the last update, my homepage featured images do not show but when you view posts, the images comes including the images in the category by the side bar.. I contacted my host company to see if this could be resolved but they insist I speak with my theme provider as the issue is theme related. This is my site
Please what do I need to do to fix this issue?
Adding ?czr_modern_style=1 to my URL breaks the layout and makes the site look awful.
Hi, if you are using a child theme, some of your customizations might not be displayed like in the classical style since the css is different.
As one would expect 🙂 Oh well, I am quite happy with the current look, so… maybe later I’ll check the Modern look. First things first: summer!
So excited to see this is coming! Been longing for updated Bootstrap!
Only glitch I noticed so far is using Disqus, the comments are shoving way down to the bottom of the page, versus being right after the entry.
Tested on several sites (Pro and Free) with high level of custom snippets and design, no glitches whatsoever.
Excellent start guys, looking forward to use it on the next project! Keep up with the great work.
I have some forms that have headers on top of the “fill in” boxes, and the headers aren’t visible until I click on the box to fill it, which can be a bit confusing because you only see blank spaces on the form. ? (
The new modern style looks great!
Thank you for this feedback 🙂 Yes the forms are not completely styled yet in the modern style. But they will be.
It looks beautiful! A few things that I’ve encountered that you’re probably aware of, but hopefully the feedback is useful:
1. on my top menu, the bar does not extend to the full length of text, so, some words aren’t wrapped in the drop down menu. (
2. I have some forms that have headers on top of the “fill in” boxes, and the headers aren’t visible until I click on the box to fill it, which can be a bit confusing because you only see blank spaces on the form. 🙂 (
Hope this is helpful and THANK YOU for such a beautiful theme!
Thank you for this detailed feedback 🙂 It helps !
The new modern style looks great!
Thanks for your feedback 🙂