Here’s a quick snippet to display both your logo and your site title in the header. add_action( ‘__after_logo’ , ‘display_my_site_title’); function display_my_site_title() { //first checks if there is a logo uploaded $logo_src = esc_url ( tc__f( ‘__get_option’ , ‘tc_logo_upload’) ) ; if ( empty($logo_src) ) return; //then print the […]
Function: Customizr functions
Howdy developer! I have been asked a few days ago in the forum how to add a Facebook like button next to the social icons. This is actually very easy to do with the Customizr hook API and you’ll find the necessary code to copy/paste below. Grab the Facebook […]
Howdy, Here’s a simple recipe to change the featured pages block position in Customizr, we two lines of code! Like for the slider positioning, we will : 1 find the method controlling the featured pages block 2 identify the wanted hook to place the block 3 write the code in functions.php […]
Note: This snippet is not needed anymore, just go through Appearance -> Customize -> Main content -> Post/Page Navigation and set up the navigation block visibility to suit your needs 😉 Hi, In case you need to get rid of the post navigation block of links at the bottom of […]
Howdy, Here’s a quick recipe to change the slider position in Customizr (and Customizr-Pro), with only two lines of code! By default the slider is hooked on the ‘__after_header’ hook (located in header.php template) in Customizr. To move the slider to another position in your website, you need to unhook from […]
Howdy Customizr developer! A clean and simple solution to display a block of content right below the header is to add an action to the ‘__after_header’ hook (located in the header.php template of the Customizr theme). In the functions.php file of your child theme, you can write this kind of […]
Customizr comes with predefined social networks that you can easily activate from the customizer screen. You might want to add one that is not included natively in the theme. In this case, here’s an example of what you can do with Customizr, using the filters. I highly recommend that you […]
Notice for Customiz-Pro (<1.2.5) users: In order to use this code you have to uncheck Enable the footer copyrights and credits under: Appearance -> Customize -> Footer -> Footer Credits The following is a code snippet to add your logo in the footer. It will displays your logo only if […]