If you want to have the post metas of your single posts displayed before the title and not after the title, add this little bit of code to your child theme’s functions.php add_action (‘__before_body’ , ‘move_single_post_metas’); function move_single_post_metas() { //checks if we are displaying a single post. Returns false […]
Hook: __after_content_title
3 posts
Howdy, Here’s a quick recipe to change the slider position in Customizr (and Customizr-Pro), with only two lines of code! By default the slider is hooked on the ‘__after_header’ hook (located in header.php template) in Customizr. To move the slider to another position in your website, you need to unhook from […]
Updated March 2015: This snippet now works only with Customizr > 3.3.1 and Customizr-Pro > 1.0.12 This little snippet gives a simple solution to display the post metas at the bottom of a single post in the Customizr theme, (instead of right below the post title). This code has to […]