Introducing Featured Pages Unlimited WordPress plugin v1.17

The Featured Pages unlimited WordPress plugin v1.17 is now available with a new option allowing to select the shape of the thumbnail and the effect on hover.


Shapes and effect dropdown



Below is a screenshot of 4 squared featured pages by line, with flat random colors enabled and with expand effect on mouse hover.


Example with 4 squared featured pages by lines with expand effect on hover



Many minor improvements in the code and some compatibility issues with WordPress plugins and themes.


I hope you’ll enjoy this new version !


= Full Changelog of v1.17 : November 5th, 2014 =

  • added : (php, class_front_fpu.php ) new hook for fp location : ‘tc_fp_location’
  • fixed : (php, front/classes/class_front_fpu.php ) added compatibility with JetPack photon
  • updated (js, holder.js) version 2.4 of the script.
  • improved : (php, class-fire-ressources.php) performance : holder.min.js is now loaded when FP are set to show images
  • improved : (php, js, css) All js and CSS resources, in admin and front end, are queried with the version number parameter in wp_enqueue_…()
  • improved : (js) In customizing mode, jQuery plugins icheck, stepper, selecter are loaded only when necessary. For example : ‘function’ != typeof(jQuery.fn.stepper) => avoir double loading if a plugin/theme already uses this $ module
  • improved : (php, class-front_fpu.php) Edit Featured Pages button is displayed if is_user_logged_in() AND current_user_can( ‘edit_theme_options’ )
  • improved : (php, class_front_fpu) tc_set_fp_hook is now a callback of template_redirect instead of wp_head
  • added : (php, class_front_fpu) fpc_random_color_list to filter the random color list
  • added : (php, class_front_fpu) new option to choose the shape and effect of the featured page thumbnail

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