If you need to have different texts on the Featured Pages Buttons, here are two snippets to do it the css or php way. The CSS way Where to copy/paste this code? NoteSince Customizr 3.3.1 (Customizr-Pro 1.0.12), because of new wp themes guidelines, you cannot use single (double) quotes […]
Language: php
In Customizr, there are three image sizes by default defined in class-fire-init.php. Each of them has a specific filter allowing developers to change its properties. If you need to modify the image sizes and are not developer, you’ll want to give a try to this plugin. We can also recommend […]
If your home page displays your last WordPress posts, you may have noticed that the posts on home don”t show the metas informations : dates, categories, tags, authors. This is the default behaviour of Customiz, but you might want to change this behaviour, for example to enable the Google author […]
This snippet replaces your site title (or your logo if have uploaded one) an animated SVG images based on your site title. View the demo » The SVG format is partially supported by Internet Explorer, that’s why a CSS snippet has to be added to display a fallback html […]
This snippets will allow you to add another button in any slide like in the picture below. This snippet has been developed in javascript because there are no easier way to do this with filters or actions in the current version of the theme (v3.1.6). To make the […]
There are cases when you need to set a custom titles for the featured pages displayed on front page. By default, Customizr uses the titles that you have defined for your pages. You can easily change this with the following snippet. 1) Grab the page’s id for which you need […]
In the Customizr WordPress theme, you can easily change the default h1 html tag of the post or page title with the ‘tc_content_title_tag’ filter. The quick example below illustrates how to change every post of page title to h2 (instead of the default h1) add_filter(‘tc_content_title_tag’ , ‘my_title_tag’); function my_title_tag() { […]
This snippet replaces the default published date by the last post update’s date in your post metas. add_filter( ‘tc_date_meta’ , ‘display_the_update_date’); function display_the_update_date() { return sprintf( ‘<a href=”%1$s” title=”updated %2$s” rel=”bookmark”><time class=”entry-date” datetime=”%3$s”>%4$s</time></a>’ , esc_url( get_day_link( get_the_time( ‘Y’ ), get_the_time( ‘m’ ), get_the_time( ‘d’ ) ) ), esc_attr( get_the_modified_date(‘F j, […]
This simple snippet adds an update status after your post title in WordPress. It checks if the post has been updated since its creation and if this update is less than n days old. If the condition is verified, it adds an update status text after the title. In this example, […]
Notice: Since Customizr v3.4.6 and Customizr-Pro 1.2.0 a new set of options has been introduced in the slides editing screen. You will be able to set a custom link url for your image (and button), open it in a new page and link the whole slide. This snippet will be […]
Notice: Since Customizr v3.4.6 and Customizr-Pro 1.2.0 a new set of options has been introduced in the slides editing screen. You will be able to set a custom link url for your image (and button), open it in a new page and link the whole slide. The caption, though, will […]
Customizr includes some useful filters if you need to customize your category archives titles. Changing the default prefix : “Category Archives :” add_filter(‘tc_category_archive_title’ , ‘my_cat_title’); function my_cat_title($title) { return ‘My archives title for : ‘; } Changing the heading of a specific category’s archives page Note : A […]