Nimble Builder integrates with Yoast SEO’s content analysis tool šŸ”Ž

Dear Nimble Builder users,

Following the significant improvements in page load performances, the latest release ( v2.0.6 ) now integrates Nimble Builder’s content in Yoast SEO’s content analysis tool.

Yoast is the company behing WordPress SEO, used by millions, the most popular Search Engine Optimization plugin in the WordPress ecosystem. Their content analysis tool helps WordPress users to make their content compliant with SEO requirements.

Nimble Builder has been successfully tested with the latest version of WordPress, version 5.4.


Recently introduced

New set of options to greatly improve your page load performances

nimble builder performance options

Learn more about the new performance options in this release post :

Lazy load images in carousel for faster page load time

lazy loading slider images

Video background for sections and columns

Nimble Builder now supports video background for sections and columns. You can use self-hosted video like mp4 format from your media library, Youtube and Vimeo videos. The feature is documented in a new documentation article : How to create a video background with Nimble Builder WordPress plugin ?


šŸŽ Nimble Builder now includes a wonderful carousel builder !

šŸš€ Significant speed improvements in Nimble Builder version 1.8.7

New module for your Social Profiles

You can now easily add your social profiles with a neat new module.



Global text options

Nimble Builder now includes a new set of Global Text options for text content, links and headings, allowing you to define default font families, font sizes, colors, etc, for Nimble sections site wide.

Those new options are located in the Site wide options panel

New About us” pre-built section

See it in live demo here.

About us section


Post Grid module

Documentation here : How to add post grids to any WordPress page with Nimble Builder ?

Export / Import

Documentation here : How to export and import templates with Nimble Builder ?

Rich text editor for the heading module

Revision history : preview and restore

There’s a new option to preview and restore a revision from the revision history. You can now select a revision from the drop-down list to preview it. You can then restore it by clicking the Publish button at the top of the page.

Custom CSS classes to elements

This was a recurring request in the support forum. You can now add custom CSS classes to elements.


Information note when a cache plugin is enabled

Cache plugins can generate issues when activated while customizing. Nimble Builder print a notice to recommend a deactivation of the plugin while customizing.

and also :


Upcoming features

Full page templates

WordPress variables

The next important release will include a simple way to display WordPress contextual variables in your pages. As for example the title of the post. Variables can be included wherever you can create textual content with Nimble. The syntax will be to wrap the variable between double braces. Like this for example: {{the_title}}

This will pave the way for a simple template system for your pages. The workflow will be to create a page template, save it and reuse it another page, or for all your pages.

New pre-built sections

New pre-built sections are being designed for the next important release : for features presentation, testimonials and team.


How to try the beta features ?

  1. Open the live customizer, and navigate to Nimble Builder > Site Wide options
  2. Open the Beta features accordion, and check the box
  3. Publish and refresh the page

Header and footer customization

Nimble Builder allows you to build your own header and footer, or to use the active theme’s ones. You can create a header and footer that you’ll apply site wide, and then set it on a page basis when needed.


We have added 2 new simple pre-build sections, one for the header with a logo placeholder, and another for the footer, with a simple 3 columns layout.

New modules : Menu and Widget Area

With the beta features enabled, you’ll see two new modules. The widget area allows you to insert a widget zone anywhere, and then use the WordPress widget in it.

The menu module let you pick one of your created menus, or the default WordPress page menu.





Nimble Builder documentation is constantly improving. Let us know if you would like us to add an article or a guide on a specific topic, we’ll be happy to include it to the knowledge base.

Image credits :

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