Function: add_filter()

63 posts


Adding a Facebook Like Box in place of a featured page in the Customizr theme

Let’s say you need to feature your Facebook fans on your home page, and display it like one of your featured pages.   I am assuming that you have generated your Facebook code for the lite box here :   Now, here’s a quick snippet to replace one of your […]

Html entities and shortcodes in Featured Pages

Updated : Now compatible with Featured Pages Unlimited and Customizr-Pro Customizr by default doesn’t allow you to have HTML entities or shortcodes in Featured Pages text. This is a wise choice, because the text is trimmed by default to 200 characters. This means that you might risk to have an unclosed tag, which […]

Add new custom socials icons

Since Customizr v3.5+ Since Customizr v3.5, you can add a social link by adding this type of code to your functions.php : Before Customizr v3.5+ 1) Add them! Note : Tumblr now already included in the default Customizr social links. In your child theme functions.php add this simple snippet: add_filter(‘tc_default_socials’, ‘add_new_socials’, […]

Displaying a slider in your category pages

By default, the slider can be displayed before posts or pages in the Customizr theme but you might want to display a slider for a specific category (or for all). The following snippet allows you to do so in two simple steps 1 First, create a slider and grab its […]

Changing the default length / limits of the slider texts

With the following snippet, you can take control of the various slider texts length in the Customizr theme : title (default 80 chars), lead text under the title  (default 250 chars), button text  (default 80 chars).   add_filter( ‘czr_slide_title_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); add_filter( ‘czr_slide_text_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); add_filter( ‘czr_slide_button_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); function my_slider_text_limits() […]