Dear Hueman theme users, This is a minor release including style enhancements for the new WordPress editor. We have deeply and successfully tested the new WordPress editor with the Hueman theme. Many WordPress users have reported major problems with this new editor ( initially named Gutenberg ), so it may happen […]
Press Customizr blog
Dear Customizr theme users, This is a minor release including style enhancements for the new WordPress editor. We have deeply and successfully tested the new WordPress editor with the Customizr theme. Many WordPress users have reported major problems with this new editor ( initially named Gutenberg ), so it may happen […]
Dear Nimble Builder users, This new release implements the fundations for a full header and footer customizations. We have also fixed minor issues related to the dynamic stylesheet system. Font Awesome icons have been updated to their latest version (v5.5.0). Several improvements have been made to the user interface and […]
Dear Hueman theme users, This is a minor release including fixes related to the release of WordPress 5.0. We have also updated the set of Font Awesome icons to its latest version. The Hueman theme has been successfully tested with PHP version 7.3. We have also kept improving the compatibility […]
Dear Customizr theme users, This is a minor release including fixes related to the release of WordPress 5.0. We have also updated the set of Font Awesome icons to its latest version. The Customizr theme has been successfully tested with PHP version 7.3. The theme now uses the built-in WordPress […]
Dear Nimble Builder users, This release fixes a line break issue when using the WP editor module. This version has been successfully tested with the latest release candidate of WordPress 5.0, scheduled to be released on December 6th, of 2018. We have also fixed a few bugs reported in the plugin’s […]
Dear Nimble Builder users, In this new release, we have significantly improved the speed performances of the customizer user interface. You’ll notice a faster response of the various controls when clicking on the previewed element. We have also improved the drag-and-drop phase with an enhanced drop target detection. Like for […]
The Unlimited Sites and Lifetime plans are now billed $199 for Hueman Pro and Customizr Pro. The pricing of the Unlimited sites and Yearly Renewal plans is still billed $79. Which means that users of the Lifetime plan are getting their money back after 2.5 years of use.
Dear Hueman theme users, We have deeply tested the Hueman theme with the upcoming 5.0 version of WordPress. Some minor problems have been discovered and fixed. You’ll be able to safely update your site to WordPress 5.0 when you’ll see the notification in your WordPress admin. In this new release, you’ll […]
Dear Customizr theme users, What’s new ? This new release keeps improving support for the new editor by fixing problems with the video embed, reported by our users. Thanks a lot for all your bug report and contributions :). The blockquote block of the new editor has now been […]
Dear Nimble Builder users, This new version includes some improvements for the upcoming WordPress version 5.0. You will able to update WordPress safely to 5.0 without problems when notified in your website’s administration. We have also fixed a few bugs reported in the plugin’s forum.You’ll find the full changelog at the […]
Dear Nimble Builder users, This new release fixes a few bugs reported in the plugin’s forum.You’ll find the full changelog at the bottom of this post. Nimble has been successfully tested with the upcoming WordPress version 5.0. You will able to update WordPress safely to 5.0 without problems when notified […]