
180 posts

Displaying a slider in your category pages

By default, the slider can be displayed before posts or pages in the Customizr theme but you might want to display a slider for a specific category (or for all). The following snippet allows you to do so in two simple steps 1 First, create a slider and grab its […]

Changing the default length / limits of the slider texts

With the following snippet, you can take control of the various slider texts length in the Customizr theme : title (default 80 chars), lead text under the title  (default 250 chars), button text  (default 80 chars).   add_filter( ‘czr_slide_title_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); add_filter( ‘czr_slide_text_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); add_filter( ‘czr_slide_button_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); function my_slider_text_limits() […]

Changing the default image sizes in Customizr

In Customizr, there are three image sizes by default defined in class-fire-init.php. Each of them has a specific filter allowing developers to change its properties. If you need to modify the image sizes and are not developer, you’ll want to give a try to this plugin. We can also recommend […]