By default, the slider can be displayed before posts or pages in the Customizr theme but you might want to display a slider for a specific category (or for all). The following snippet allows you to do so in two simple steps 1 First, create a slider and grab its […]
There are cases when you need to set a custom links for the featured pages displayed on front page. By default, Customizr links to the page you have choosen in the dropdown list (see the featured pages documentation) . You can easily change this with the following snippet. 1) Grab […]
With the hooks API, Customizr offers a simple way to change the global layout of your website . The following snippet explains how to create different column layouts for your content and sidebars, and apply them to specific contexts on your website. Customizr theme layouts As explained here, the theme […]
With the following snippet, you can take control of the various slider texts length in the Customizr theme : title (default 80 chars), lead text under the title (default 250 chars), button text (default 80 chars). add_filter( ‘czr_slide_title_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); add_filter( ‘czr_slide_text_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); add_filter( ‘czr_slide_button_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); function my_slider_text_limits() […]
Where to copy/paste this code? The simplest way is to use the Custom CSS section of the customizer option screen. If you have many customizations to make in CSS and PHP, then we strongly recommend you create a child theme. Everything you need to know about creating a child theme […]
I showed you how to add a widget area after the header a few weeks ago. But what if you feel you don’t have enough widget areas in the footer? Read on…
Here’s a quick snippet to change the title attribute of the social links that’s displayed when the mouse moves over the link’s icon. By default, it can take two forms : – for rss : Subscribe to my rss feed – for the social networks : Follow me on [the social network] Let’s […]
Learn how to add a widget for qTranslate and style your flags.
If you need to have different texts on the Featured Pages Buttons, here are two snippets to do it the css or php way. The CSS way Where to copy/paste this code? NoteSince Customizr 3.3.1 (Customizr-Pro 1.0.12), because of new wp themes guidelines, you cannot use single (double) quotes […]
In Customizr, there are three image sizes by default defined in class-fire-init.php. Each of them has a specific filter allowing developers to change its properties. If you need to modify the image sizes and are not developer, you’ll want to give a try to this plugin. We can also recommend […]
If your home page displays your last WordPress posts, you may have noticed that the posts on home don”t show the metas informations : dates, categories, tags, authors. This is the default behaviour of Customiz, but you might want to change this behaviour, for example to enable the Google author […]
This snippet replaces your site title (or your logo if have uploaded one) an animated SVG images based on your site title. View the demo » The SVG format is partially supported by Internet Explorer, that’s why a CSS snippet has to be added to display a fallback html […]