Language: php

111 posts

Add new custom socials icons

Since Customizr v3.5+ Since Customizr v3.5, you can add a social link by adding this type of code to your functions.php : Before Customizr v3.5+ 1) Add them! Note : Tumblr now already included in the default Customizr social links. In your child theme functions.php add this simple snippet: add_filter(‘tc_default_socials’, ‘add_new_socials’, […]

Allow thumbnails links for IE10 and below

You’ve probably noticed that some features of Customizr are not well interpreted by some outdated versions of Internet Explorer. The beloved zoom effects on the thumbnails for the featured pages and posts lists, for example, are not supported by them.  Unfortunately, thumbnails links does not work either.  Add this snippet […]

Displaying a slider in your category pages

By default, the slider can be displayed before posts or pages in the Customizr theme but you might want to display a slider for a specific category (or for all). The following snippet allows you to do so in two simple steps 1 First, create a slider and grab its […]

Changing the default length / limits of the slider texts

With the following snippet, you can take control of the various slider texts length in the Customizr theme : title (default 80 chars), lead text under the title  (default 250 chars), button text  (default 80 chars).   add_filter( ‘czr_slide_title_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); add_filter( ‘czr_slide_text_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); add_filter( ‘czr_slide_button_length’, ‘my_slider_text_limits’ ); function my_slider_text_limits() […]