Language: css

89 posts

Make the Footer ‘Sticky‘

Notice:: Since Customizr 3.4.6 and Customizr-Pro 1.2.0 a new option has been added to make the footer sticky. Navigate through Appearance -> Customize -> Footer and you’ll find it 😉 3.1.* 3.2.* Cutomizr-Pro* June 2015 update: CSS moved from child-theme style.css (or custom-css box) to inline style through tc_user_options_style filter, […]

Add new custom socials icons

Since Customizr v3.5+ Since Customizr v3.5, you can add a social link by adding this type of code to your functions.php : Before Customizr v3.5+ 1) Add them! Note : Tumblr now already included in the default Customizr social links. In your child theme functions.php add this simple snippet: add_filter(‘tc_default_socials’, ‘add_new_socials’, […]

Customizing the slider navigation arrows

The following is a simple snippet which describes how to replace the sliders default navigation arrows with icons. The method detailed below will also make it possible to use an image or whatever you want as navigation for your slider.   Where to copy/paste the code above code? I strongly recommend […]