Release note for the Hueman theme v3.4.5

Dear Hueman theme users, here’s the release note for the Hueman theme version 3.4.5.

Nested menus can now be expanded on mobile devices

The option is available in the live customizer > header design > header menus, at the bottom of the option panel.

You can test it in action in the live demo of Hueman.



Integration with the Nimble section builder

We have also been working on a section builder named the Nimble Builder.  Nimble is a free section builder intended to be the content creation companion of the Hueman and the Customizr theme.

The Nimble Builder allows you to drag and drop pre-built sections, or create your own sections in live preview from the WordPress customizer. You can easily create column layouts, and add content like buttons, icons, Google maps and even contact forms in any page.

You can see a live example of Nimble sections in the Hueman theme.

You can easily install it from your WordPress admin, in Plugins > Add New.

We are currently working on a knowledge base to help you getting started with the plugin, but you can take a quick tour of the Nimble Builder plugin in action, in the WordPress live customizer, on the screenshots below.

Adding Content



Dragging an dropping a pre-designed section of content

Customizing the content of a module, here a button module

Customizing the background image of a section


Better Gutenberg compatibility.

This new release fixes a compatibility issue with Gutenberg, reported when embedding a video.


= Changelog =

  • fixed : prefixed TGMPA class with HU_ to fix potential collision with other plugins using the same class. see issue
  • Fix: Gutenberg reponsive video embed compatiblity issue. fixes #698
  • Imp : better Nimble section builder integration
  • added : a new option for collapsible submenus in mobiles

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