Those last days I have had a recurrring request on how to remove the text describing the HTML tags allowed in comments : “You may use these HTML tags and attributes …“. This is pretty simple to remove this note in WordPress since it is declared in an array assigned to a […]
Hook: WordPress hooks
This guide shows you how to set up a multilingual site with Polylang/Customizr. The code included also works with Featured Pages Unlimited (and any theme).
3.1.* 3.2.* Nov 2014 update: Tested with Wordpress 4.0 and Customizr 3.2.5 . Still works if you choose to display thumbnails on the left/right. Will not do anything if you display them on top/bottom. Basically ’cause the aim of this script, as you can see in the example pictures, is […]
So you’ve set up a really neat search on your Customizr website with the this snippet. It works fine. But when you look at the search results on your site, all you see is screens and screens of images where you were hoping to see your pages and posts. Here […]
There are several solutions on the WordPress Customizr forum for adding search forms. Here’s a way to add a minimal search form to the Customizr main menu. Two methods are given here: The first method uses the in-built Genericons magnifying-glass icon. This method is fast, because the Genericons font is […]
Notice:: Since Customizr 3.4.6 and Customizr-Pro 1.2.0 a new option has been added to make the footer sticky. Navigate through Appearance -> Customize -> Footer and you’ll find it 😉 3.1.* 3.2.* Cutomizr-Pro* June 2015 update: CSS moved from child-theme style.css (or custom-css box) to inline style through tc_user_options_style filter, […]
You’ve probably noticed that some features of Customizr are not well interpreted by some outdated versions of Internet Explorer. The beloved zoom effects on the thumbnails for the featured pages and posts lists, for example, are not supported by them. Unfortunately, thumbnails links does not work either. Add this snippet […]
Here is a useful snippet for those who need to display their slides in a random order. The random display is handled in javascript but I might come with an even simplier solution with a WordPress hook in a future release of the theme. add_action (‘wp_footer’,’tc_randomize_slides’ ); function tc_randomize_slides() […]
May 2014 update: Now added in the core code of Customizr since v3.1.11 When the sliders are displayed in full width, you might encounter some frustrating cropping effect for your slides, especially on very large screen devices. This snippet automatically keeps the slides vertically centered on any devices. add_action […]
Updated : works fine with Featured Pages Unlimited v1.4+ The featured pages are composed by 4 blocks ordered as follow by default : Image Title Excerpt (or custom text) Button With the following snippet you can define a new order for those blocks. Just change the order of the items […]
This snippets will allow you to add another button in any slide like in the picture below. This snippet has been developed in javascript because there are no easier way to do this with filters or actions in the current version of the theme (v3.1.6). To make the […]
This simple snippet adds an update status after your post title in WordPress. It checks if the post has been updated since its creation and if this update is less than n days old. If the condition is verified, it adds an update status text after the title. In this example, […]