Change the FB icon to Blue style

Where to copy/paste this code?

NoteSince Customizr 3.3.1 (Customizr-Pro 1.0.12), because of new wp themes guidelines, you cannot use single (double) quotes in the Custom CSS in customizer. Use a Child Theme.

The simplest way is to use the Custom CSS section of the customizer option screen. If you have many customizations to make in CSS and PHP, then We strongly recommend you create a child theme. Everything you need to know about creating a child theme with Customizr here.

/* START OF change the FB icon to blue style */ 
a.icon-facebook:before {
background-color:   #3b5998;
border-radius:      2px;
color:              white;
padding:            4px 0 0 2px;
position:           relative;
text-shadow:        none;
top:                4px;
a.icon-facebook {
position:           relative;
top:                -4px;
/* END OF change the FB icon to blue style */

Credit: @acub

/* START OF change the FB icon to blue style */ 
a.icon-facebook:before {
content:           '\f203';
color:              #3B5998;
/* END OF change the FB icon to blue style */

Credit: @Dennis Charron

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