⭐️ Access the premium version of Nimble Builder, popular free page builder used by 50K+ websites.
Build professional landing pages or entire websites, in any WordPress theme. 15-day money back guarantee
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Last update : April 2022
Current Version : 1.0.17 ( see the changelog )
When you install Nimble Builder Pro, you get instant access to all Nimble Builder free features plus the following additional premium features :
(*) We are continuously updating Nimble Builder Pro with the latest web technologies, to keep our beloved customers satisfied with a fast and beautiful website. We release an average of 2 updates by months including new features, plugin compatibility fixes, bug fixes. We always test the newest WordPress version several weeks before the official release to make sure it's 100% compliant with Nimble Builder Pro.
Below are some frequently asked questions you may have before purchasing Nimble Builder Pro.
As soon as you order is completed, you’ll be able to download your product right from the payment confirmation page.
You will also receive a purchase receipt email including a download link to your product.
You can connect at any time on your account on presscustomizr.com, and download your purchased product from there.
Nimble Builder Pro is delivered as .zip file. ( what is a .zip file on wikipedia ? )
To install the plugin, you don’t need to unzip the .zip file.
To use Nimble Builder Pro, you will need to keep Nimble Builder free installed and active on your website
Note : If you use a Mac, you might need to change your preferences in Safari to stop automatically unzipping files. More about this here.
You will receive an activation key along with your purchase email confirmation. You will need to activate it on your website. As long as this key is valid, it will allow you to get automatic updates for Nimble Builder Pro.
Yes you can install and activate Nimble Builder Pro on personal or client websites.
The Unlimited Sites plan allows you to install and activate Nimble Builder Pro on as many websites as you want.
Yes ! You can upgrade your plan at a prorated rate on your account page when logged into our site. The prorated rate means that you’ll be charged for the price difference between your current plan and the new one.
Yes. Your Nimble Builder Pro subscription will automatically renew after one year. A reminder email is sent two weeks before the renewal so you can decide whether or not you want to keep your plan active.
You can cancel the subscription at any time on your account page. However an active license key is required to receive updates and get support.
When you plan expires, you don’t receive updates anymore and you can’t access premium Nimble Builder templates and sections.
Unlike yearly subscription, lifetime plan is a one-time payment. Once purchased, you’ll get lifetime access to product updates and support. You’ll have access to all current and future premium modules, templates and sections.
Yes, Nimble Builder free and pro work great with almost every WordPress theme. If there is any compatibility problem with your theme, we will do our best to fix it.
No of course. All content previsouly created with Nimble Builder free will be preserved when installing Nimble Builder Pro.
If you are unhappy with your purchase, we will gladly refund your money without questions. You can apply for a refund within 15 days of purchase.
Yes. After completing your order, you’ll receive a purchased receipt by email with a direct link to your PDF invoice.
Users of Nimble Builder are running successful websites. We are very proud that Nimble Builder receives amazing reviews ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ on wordpress.org.
Nimble Builder adds dropzones to your pages, allowing you to insert sections of content in any existing context of your site and with any theme : home page, single post or page, category or tag page, search results or 404 pages.
Not only that, you can also decide to start from a blank page on any page of your site, create a custom header and footer, save and reuse templates and sections, and so many other things !
Nimble Builder uses a drag-and-drop interface to let you insert modules like text-editor, images, contact forms, maps, icons, or eye-catching pre-designed sections, including cool features like parallax background or video background.
The plugin is designed to be very intuitive and users love that it is so simple to use.
Nimble Builder is designed to load very fast, in particular on mobile devices. We have designed it to have a minimal impact on the loading time of your page.
With a basic cache server configuration, the plugin gets an A grade on performance tests like Google Speed tests, even when pages include generally heavy assets like Google fonts, web icons, image sliders or video background. More about performance settings.
Nimble Builder is designed mobile-first. It uses a performant and lightweight flex CSS foundation which ensures perfect rendering on mobile devices.
The plugin is an effective productivity tool, ideal for quickly sketching and publishing pages with sections and columns. Nimble Builder generates clean and fluid HTML markup that meets the highest SEO and accessibility standards.
Nimble Builder uses the live customizer, native and powerful WordPress interface for real-time design.
You can safely build your pages and save drafts of your work before deploying in production.
We're putting a lot of work in our documentation and we hope you'll love browsing it. You can instantly find answers with our suggested results.
If you think that something is missing, contact us and we'll add it right away.
Nimble Builder Pro is super easy to use. But if you need help, our team of developer is here to make your life easier.
That's why our beloved customers give us industry leading happiness ratings.
Our average resolution time is less than 12h00.
Our WordPress themes and plugins have been featured on the following websites
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