Target: thumbnails

3 posts

Post list thumbnails reordering in small viewports

3.1.* 3.2.* Nov 2014 update: Tested with Wordpress 4.0 and Customizr 3.2.5 . Still works if you choose to display thumbnails on the left/right. Will not do anything if you display them on top/bottom. Basically ’cause the aim of this script, as you can see in the example pictures, is […]

Allow thumbnails links for IE10 and below

You’ve probably noticed that some features of Customizr are not well interpreted by some outdated versions of Internet Explorer. The beloved zoom effects on the thumbnails for the featured pages and posts lists, for example, are not supported by them.  Unfortunately, thumbnails links does not work either.  Add this snippet […]

Changing the default image sizes in Customizr

In Customizr, there are three image sizes by default defined in class-fire-init.php. Each of them has a specific filter allowing developers to change its properties. If you need to modify the image sizes and are not developer, you’ll want to give a try to this plugin. We can also recommend […]